While most press conferences were not available for live streaming, Electronic Arts was streaming its press conference on EA.com.[11] Sony Computer Entertainment Europe also showcased its press conference on its online community-based service PlayStation Home shortly afterwards.[12] Sony also made its press conference available for download on the PlayStation Store. Various gaming websites offered live-blogging of the respective press conferences.
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Arbitrary Arrest: Arbitrary arrests occurred, often in conjunction with political demonstrations or as part of security force responses to terrorist activity, and the government held persons in detention without specific charges, sometimes in an attempt to collect information about other suspects. The expansiveness of the 1974 Special Powers Act grants a legal justification to arrests that would often otherwise be considered arbitrary, since it removes the requirement arrests be based on crimes that have occurred previously. Human rights activists claimed police falsely constructed cases to target opposition leaders, workers, and supporters, and that the government used the law enforcement agency to crack down on political rivals. In 2018 law enforcement officials arrested at least 100 students, most of whom participated peacefully in the quota reform and road safety protest movements. In February the government gave 15 officials awards for spying on, and arresting, these same student activists. 2ff7e9595c